Be attentive in class. Paying attention is a simple way to do well. Not only will your teacher appreciate it, but it's a surefire way to score well on tests and be able to finish your homework faster.
Don't get distracted by anyone going in or out of the class because this may grab your mind out from the studies going on.
Take proper notes. You should write anything important down, write to where you can read it, etc. This may seem like a pain but the notes will pay off when you're studying for your next test.
Participate. More than just paying attention, participate! Many teachers factor participation into their grading, but even if they don't your participation is a great way to please your teacher by proving that you're paying attention. Moreover, your mind will be less likely to wander if you're constantly looking for ways to participate.
Concentrate by sitting next to someone who will not distract you during tasks
Be confident when answering questions or making comments. It's okay if you are wrong once in a while.
Ask questions. If you don't understand something it's best to get help since when it comes to test time you'll most likely ace it. Make up some questions and keep on talking in class. In addition, asking questions will show your teacher that you're paying attention and are engaged in the material.
Complete homework and assignments on time. Most teachers assign homework for a reason—to reinforce the things you learn in class. Completing your homework will help you prepare for tests and will also give you something to refer to when you participate ("I was a little lost on problem 5" or "This reminds me of chapter 9 from last night's reading because...")
Write neatly! Illegibility is a silly way to lose points on homework or a test. If you really have trouble writing neatly, talk to your teacher about typing assignments.
Don't goof off in class. If you do this you're most likely to get in trouble and it will ruin your reputation with the teacher. It will also interfere with your ability to learn while your in the class, and thus reflect negatively in your grades.
Make friends with the teacher's favorite students. Make sure that you have a close group of friends that understand your need to succeed and will thus not distract you during class time.
Study for tests. Begin a few days before the test rather than the night before. Plan your week out for preparation. Remember that studying doesn't mean you have to lock yourself away from your friends until after the test, but be wise about the time you spend.
Assuming you can stay focused, invite a couple friends over to study with you. You guys can quiz each other, ask questions, and correct homework problems together. Remember, two heads are often better than one (just not on the test).
Eat and sleep well before an exam. Remember: it is okay to give yourself a break, as long as it's not for too long. Also remember that your brain loses ability to remember as you lose sleep, so pulling an all-nighter the night before the test is not necessarily a good idea.
Get plenty of rest (but not too much) before the big exam. Provided the fact that you've been doing lots of exercise, this will automatically make you feel active and concentrate well while answering questions. People who keep up a healthy lifestyle also have a knack for avoiding careless mistakes- vital for tests which require 'formulae-like' thinking, i.e. Maths.
Try to eat foods which help you remember things better, like raisins (the more the merrier, but don't eat a whole box in one go!), nuts, and salmon.
Run for class president or school council. This will give you an opportunity to work with teachers and further build your relationships with them. It will also help you learn important leadership skills.
Go to school with the attitude to learn! If you are thinking that you will totally fail the test, think again! Don't psych yourself out by telling yourself you can't do something.Remember that the most successful people are those that are well-rounded. Behavior plays a huge role in your future, regardless of what your grades are. Always be polite and gracious in class.