About color codes and how to apply
HTML color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). For example, in the color red, the color code is #FF0000, which is '255' red, '0' green, and '0' blue. These color codes can be used to change the color of the background, text, and tables on a web page.
· Changing font color on a web page using CSS and FONT tags.
Major hexadecimal color codes
Below, are some of the common color names and codes. With these colors, you can also use the color name. For example, in HTML tags and CSS that use color codes you could use "red" instead of #FF0000.
Color Name | Color Code | Color Name | Color Code |
Red | White | ||
Cyan | Silver | ||
Blue | Grey | ||
DarkBlue | Black | ||
LightBlue | Orange | ||
Purple | Brown | ||
Yellow | Maroon | ||
Lime | Green | ||
Fuchsia | Olive |
Tip: Use our HTML color picker if you need to choose from an almost infinite variety of colors. Also, if you like a color scheme of a web page view Tip142 for a fantastic tool that can be used to gather that page's color codes.
Color Name | Code | Color |
Black | Black | |
Gray0 | Gray0 | |
Gray18 | Gray18 | |
Gray21 | Gray21 | |
Gray23 | Gray23 | |
Gray24 | Gray24 | |
Gray25 | Gray25 | |
Gray26 | Gray26 | |
Gray27 | Gray27 | |
Gray28 | Gray28 | |
Gray29 | Gray29 | |
Gray30 | Gray30 | |
Gray31 | Gray31 | |
Gray32 | Gray32 | |
Gray34 | Gray34 | |
Gray35 | Gray35 | |
Gray36 | Gray36 | |
Gray37 | Gray37 | |
Gray38 | Gray38 | |
Gray39 | Gray39 | |
Gray40 | Gray40 | |
Gray41 | Gray41 | |
Gray42 | Gray42 | |
Gray43 | Gray43 | |
Gray44 | Gray44 | |
Gray45 | Gray45 | |
Gray46 | Gray46 | |
Gray47 | Gray47 | |
Gray48 | Gray48 | |
Gray49 | Gray49 | |
Gray50 | Gray50 | |
Gray | Gray | |
Slate Gray4 | Slate Gray4 | |
Slate Gray | Slate Gray | |
Light Steel Blue4 | Light Steel Blue4 | |
Light Slate Gray | Light Slate Gray | |
Cadet Blue4 | Cadet Blue4 | |
Dark Slate Gray4 | Dark Slate Gray4 | |
Thistle4 | Thistle4 | |
Medium Slate Blue | Medium Slate Blue | |
Medium Purple4 | Medium Purple4 | |
Midnight Blue | Midnight Blue | |
Dark Slate Blue | Dark Slate Blue | |
Dark Slate Gray | Dark Slate Gray | |
Dim Gray | Dim Gray | |
Cornflower Blue | Cornflower Blue | |
Royal Blue4 | Royal Blue4 | |
Slate Blue4 | Slate Blue4 | |
Royal Blue | Royal Blue | |
Royal Blue1 | Royal Blue1 | |
Royal Blue2 | Royal Blue2 | |
Royal Blue3 | Royal Blue3 | |
Deep Sky Blue | Deep Sky Blue | |
Deep Sky Blue2 | Deep Sky Blue2 | |
Slate Blue | Slate Blue | |
Deep Sky Blue3 | Deep Sky Blue3 | |
Deep Sky Blue4 | Deep Sky Blue4 | |
Dodger Blue | Dodger Blue | |
Dodger Blue2 | Dodger Blue2 | |
Dodger Blue3 | Dodger Blue3 | |
Dodger Blue4 | Dodger Blue4 | |
Steel Blue4 | Steel Blue4 | |
Steel Blue | Steel Blue | |
Slate Blue2 | Slate Blue2 | |
Violet | Violet | |
Medium Purple3 | Medium Purple3 | |
Medium Purple | Medium Purple | |
Medium Purple2 | Medium Purple2 | |
Medium Purple1 | Medium Purple1 | |
Light Steel Blue | Light Steel Blue | |
Steel Blue3 | Steel Blue3 | |
Steel Blue2 | Steel Blue2 | |
Steel Blue1 | Steel Blue1 | |
Sky Blue3 | Sky Blue3 | |
Sky Blue4 | Sky Blue4 | |
Slate Blue | Slate Blue | |
Slate Blue | Slate Blue | |
Slate Gray3 | Slate Gray3 | |
Violet Red | Violet Red | |
Violet Red1 | Violet Red1 | |
Violet Red2 | Violet Red2 | |
Deep Pink | Deep Pink | |
Deep Pink2 | Deep Pink2 | |
Deep Pink3 | Deep Pink3 | |
Deep Pink4 | Deep Pink4 | |
Medium Violet Red | Medium Violet Red | |
Violet Red3 | Violet Red3 | |
Firebrick | Firebrick | |
Violet Red4 | Violet Red4 | |
Maroon4 | Maroon4 | |
Maroon | Maroon | |
Maroon3 | Maroon3 | |
Maroon2 | Maroon2 | |
Maroon1 | Maroon1 | |
Magenta | Magenta | |
Magenta1 | Magenta1 | |
Magenta2 | Magenta2 | |
Magenta3 | Magenta3 | |
Medium Orchid | Medium Orchid | |
Medium Orchid1 | Medium Orchid1 | |
Medium Orchid2 | Medium Orchid2 | |
Medium Orchid3 | Medium Orchid3 | |
Medium Orchid4 | Medium Orchid4 | |
Purple | Purple | |
Purple1 | Purple1 | |
Purple2 | Purple2 | |
Purple3 | Purple3 | |
Purple4 | Purple4 | |
Dark Orchid4 | Dark Orchid4 | |
Dark Orchid | Dark Orchid | |
Dark Violet | Dark Violet | |
Dark Orchid3 | Dark Orchid3 | |
Dark Orchid2 | Dark Orchid2 | |
Dark Orchid1 | Dark Orchid1 | |
Plum4 | Plum4 | |
Pale Violet Red | Pale Violet Red | |
Pale Violet Red1 | Pale Violet Red1 | |
Pale Violet Red2 | Pale Violet Red2 | |
Pale Violet Red3 | Pale Violet Red3 | |
Pale Violet Red4 | Pale Violet Red4 | |
Plum | Plum | |
Plum1 | Plum1 | |
Plum2 | Plum2 | |
Plum3 | Plum3 | |
Thistle | Thistle | |
Thistle3 | Thistle3 | |
Lavender Blush2 | Lavender Blush2 | |
Lavender Blush3 | Lavender Blush3 | |
Thistle2 | Thistle2 | |
Thistle1 | Thistle1 | |
Lavender | Lavender | |
Lavender Blush | Lavender Blush | |
Light Steel Blue1 | Light Steel Blue1 | |
Light Blue | Light Blue | |
Light Blue1 | Light Blue1 | |
Light Cyan | Light Cyan | |
Slate Gray1 | Slate Gray1 | |
Slate Gray2 | Slate Gray2 | |
Light Steel Blue2 | Light Steel Blue2 | |
Turquoise1 | Turquoise1 | |
Cyan | Cyan | |
Cyan1 | Cyan1 | |
Cyan2 | Cyan2 | |
Turquoise2 | Turquoise2 | |
Medium Turquoise | Medium Turquoise | |
Turquoise | Turquoise | |
Dark Slate Gray1 | Dark Slate Gray1 | |
Dark Slate Gray2 | Dark slate Gray2 | |
Dark Slate Gray3 | Dark Slate Gray3 | |
Cyan3 | Cyan3 | |
Turquoise3 | Turquoise3 | |
Cadet Blue3 | Cadet Blue3 |
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