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Thursday, 15 March 2012

221 MS Word shortcuts......................

1Ctrl + Shift + AAllCapsMakes the selection all capitals (toggle)
2Alt + Ctrl + 1ApplyHeading1Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text
3Alt + Ctrl + 2ApplyHeading2Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text
4Alt + Ctrl + 3ApplyHeading3Applies Heading 3 style to the selected text
5Ctrl + Shift + LApplyListBulletApplies List Bullet style to the selected text
6Alt + F10AppMaximizeEnlarges the application window to full size
7Alt + F5AppRestoreRestores the application window to normal size
8Ctrl+BBoldMakes the selection bold (toggle)
9Ctrl + PgDnBrowseNextJump to the next browse object
10Ctrl + PgUpBrowsePrevJump to the previous browse object
11Alt + Ctrl + HomeBrowseSelSelect the next/prev browse object
12EscCancelTerminates an action
13Ctrl+ECenterParaCenters the paragraph between the indents
14Shift+F3ChangeCaseChanges the case of the letters in the selection
15Left arrowCharLeftMoves the insertion point to the left one character
16Shift + Left arrowCharLeftExtendExtends the selection to the left one character
17Rt arrowCharRightMoves the insertion point to the right one character
18Shift + Rt arrowCharRightExtendExtends the selection to the right one character
19Alt + Shift + CClosePaneCloses the active window pane (if you are in Normal View and have, for example, the Footnote pane open)
20Alt+Drag (or press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and drag, but Alt + Drag is far easier!)ColumnSelectSelects a columnar block of text
21Ctrl +Shift+CCopyFormatCopies the formatting of the selection
22Shift + F2CopyTextMakes a copy of the selection without using the clipboard (press Return to paste)
23Alt + F3CreateAutoTextAdds an AutoText entry to the active template
24Ctrl+ BackspaceDeleteBackWordDeletes the previous word without putting it on the Clipboard
25Ctrl + DelDeleteWordDeletes the next word without putting it on the Clipboard
26Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4DocClosePrompts to save the document and then closes the active window. (But doesn't intercept the menu command)
27Ctrl + F10DocMaximizeEnlarges the active window to full size
28Ctrl + F7DocMoveChanges the position of the active window
29Ctrl + F5DocRestoreRestores the window to normal size
30Ctrl + F8DocSizeChanges the size of the active window
31Alt + Ctrl + SDocSplitSplits the active window horizontally and then adjusts the split
32Alt + Shift + F9DoFieldClickExecutes the action associated with macrobutton fields
33Ctrl + Shift + DDoubleUnderlineDouble underlines the selection (toggle)
34Alt R, GDrawGroupGroups the selected drawing objects
35Alt R, IDrawSnapToGridSets up a grid for aligning drawing objects
36Alt R, UDrawUngroupUngroups the selected group of drawing objects
37Ctrl+Shift+F5 (Or: Alt I, K)EditBookmarkBrings up the bookmark dialog
38DelEditClearPerforms a forward delete or removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard
39Ctrl+CEditCopyCopies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
40Ctrl+XEditCutCuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
41Ctrl+FEditFindFinds the specified text or the specified formatting
42F5, Ctrl+GEditGoToJumps to a specified place in the active document
43Alt E, KEditLinksAllows links to be viewed, updated, opened, or removed
44Ctrl+VEditPasteInserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
45Alt E, SEditPasteSpecialInserts the Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or other format
46Alt + Shift + BackspcEditRedoRedoes the last action that was undone
47F4EditRedoOrRepeatRepeats the last command, or redoes the last action that was undone (unfortunately, doesn't work for as many commands in Word 2000 as in Word 97 and below, but this is still one of Word's most useful shortcuts, if not the most useful)
48Ctrl+HEditReplaceFinds the specified text or the specified formatting and replaces it
49Ctrl+AEditSelectAllSelects the entire document
50Ctrl+ZEditUndoReverses the last action
51Alt + PageDn (to select to end of column, use Alt + Shift + PgDn)EndOfColumnMoves to the last cell in the current table column
52Ctrl+Shift+EndEndOfDocExtendExtends the selection to the end of the last line of the document
53Ctrl+EndEndOfDocumentMoves the insertion point to the end of the last line of the document
54EndEndOfLineMoves the insertion point to the end of the current line
55Shift+EndEndOfLineExtendExtends the selection to the end of the current line
56Alt+EndEndOfRowMoves to the last cell in the current row
57Alt + Ctrl + PgDnEndOfWindowMoves the insertion point to the end of the last visible line on the screen
58Shift + Alt + Ctrl + PgDnEndOfWindowExtendExtends the selection to the end of the last visible line on the screen
59F8 (press Esc to turn off)ExtendSelectionTurns on extend selection mode and then expands the selection with the direction keys
60Alt + F4 (<9>)FileCloseOrExitCloses the current document, or if no documents are open, quits Word. Horrible command, as it makes it a long winded business to quit Word. But there's a simple solution - assign Alt+F4 to FileExit instead.
61Alt + F4 (Word 97)FileExitQuits Microsoft Word and prompts to save the documents (does intercept the menu item, but not the keyboard shortcut, or the x button. An AutoExit macro is usually a better way of intercepting this).
62NOT Ctrl+N!!FileNewCreates a new document or template (brings up the dialog). Note that: Word pretends that Ctrl+N is assigned to FileNew but it isn't, it's assigned to FileNewDefault You can fix this in Word 2000 by assigning Ctrl+N to the FileNewDialog command. In Word 97 the only way to fix it is to create a macro called FileNew (to do this, press Alt + F8, type "FileNew" without the quotes and Click "Create". The macro will automatically contain the code needed to make it work).
63Ctrl+NFileNewDefaultCreates a new document based on the Normal template.
64Ctrl+OFileOpenOpens an existing document or template
65Alt F, UFilePageSetupChanges the page setup of the selected sections
66Ctrl + PFilePrintPrints the active document (brings up the dialog)
67Ctrl+F2FilePrintPreviewDisplays full pages as they will be printed
68Alt F, IFilePropertiesShows the properties of the active document
70Alt F, A (or F12)FileSaveAsSaves a copy of the document in a separate file (brings up the dialog)
71Ctrl+Shift+FFontActivates the Fonts listbox on the formatting toolbar
72Ctrl+Shift+PFontSizeSelectActivates the Font Size drop-down on the formatting toolbar
73Alt + Ctrl + KFormatAutoFormatAutomatically formats a document (or sometimes, automatically screws it up)
74Alt O, BFormatBordersAndShadingChanges the borders and shading of the selected paragraphs, table cells, and pictures
75Alt O, EFormatChangeCaseChanges the case of the letters in the selection
76Alt O, CFormatColumnsChanges the column format of the selected sections (brings up the dialog)
77Alt O, DFormatDropCapFormats the first character of current paragraph as a dropped capital (must select it first)
78Ctrl+DFormatFontBrings up the Format + Font dialog
79Alt + Shift + RFormatHeaderFooterLinkLinks the current header/footer to the previous section (but does not intercept the button on the Header Footer toolbar)
80Alt O, PFormatParagraphBrings up the Format Paragraph dialog
81Alt O, SFormatStyleApplies, creates, or modifies styles
82Alt O, TFormatTabsBrings up the Format Tabs dialog
83Shift + F5GoBackReturns to the previous insertion point (goes back to up to 3 points, then returns to where you started; this is one of the most useful shortcuts of them all. Also useful when opening a document, if you want to g straight to where you were last editing it)
84Ctrl + >GrowFontIncreases the font size of the selection
85Ctrl + ]GrowFontOnePointIncreases the font size of the selection by one point
86Ctrl + T (or drag the ruler)HangingIndentIncreases the hanging indent
87F1HelpMicrosoft Word Help
88Shift + F1HelpToolLets you get help on a command or screen region or examine text properties
89Ctrl + Shift + HHiddenMakes the selection hidden text (toggle)
90Click on itHyperlinkOpenConnect to a hyperlink's address
91Ctrl + M (or drag the ruler)IndentMoves the left indent to the next tab stop
92Alt + Ctrl + M (or Alt I, M)InsertAnnotationInserts a comment
93F3InsertAutoTextReplaces the name of the AutoText entry with its contents
94Alt I, BInsertBreakEnds a page, column, or section at the insertion point
95Alt I, CInsertCaptionInserts a caption above or below a selected object
96Ctrl + Shift + ReturnInsertColumnBreakInserts a column break at the insertion point
97Alt + Shift + DInsertDateFieldInserts a date field
98Alt + Ctrl + DInsertEndnoteNowInserts an endnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog
99Alt I, FInsertFieldInserts a field in the active document
100Ctrl+F9InsertFieldCharsInserts an empty field with the enclosing field characters
101Alt I, LInsertFileInserts the text of another file into the active document
102Alt I, NInsertFootnoteInserts a footnote or endnote reference at the insertion point
103Alt + Ctrl + FInsertFootnoteNowInserts a footnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the dialog
104Ctrl + KInsertHyperlinkInsert Hyperlink
105Alt I, DInsertIndexAndTablesInserts an index or a table of contents, figures, or authorities into the document
106Alt + Ctrl + LInsertListNumFieldInserts a ListNum Field
107Alt + Shift + FInsertMergeFieldBrings up a dialog to insert a mail merge field at the insertion point. (It does not intercept the button on the Mail merge. toolbar)
108Ctrl + ReturnInsertPageBreakInserts a page break at the insertion point
109Alt + Shift + PInsertPageFieldInserts a page number field
110Ctrl + Shift + F3InsertSpikeEmpties the spike AutoText entry and inserts all of its contents into the document
111Alt + Shift + TInsertTimeFieldInserts a time field
112Ctrl + IItalicMakes the selection italic (toggle)
113Ctrl + JJustifyParaAligns the paragraph at both the left and the right indent
114Ctrl + LLeftParaAligns the paragraph at the left indent
115Down arrowLineDownMoves the insertion point down one line
116Shift + down arrowLineDownExtendExtends the selection down one line
117Up arrowLineUpMoves the insertion point up one line
118Shift + up arrowLineUpExtendExtends the selection up one line
119Ctrl + F11LockFieldsLocks the selected fields to prevent updating
120Alt + Shift + KMailMergeCheckChecks for errors in a mail merge
121Alt+Shift+EMailMergeEditDataSourceLets you edit a mail merge data source
122Alt + Shift + NMailMergeToDocCollects the results of the mail merge in a document
123Alt Shift + MMailMergeToPrinterSends the results of the mail merge to the printer
124Alt + Shift + IMarkCitationMarks the text you want to include in the table of authorities
125Alt + Shift + XMarkIndexEntryMarks the text you want to include in the index
126Alt + Shift + OMarkTableOfContentsEntryInserts a TC field (but it is far better to use Heading Styles to generate your Table of Contents instead)
127Alt or F10MenuModeMakes the menu bar active
128Alt + Shift + F11MicrosoftScriptEditorStarts or switches to Microsoft Development Environment application, allowing you to view the HTML/XML source code that would be behind the document if it were in ..htm format (or that is behind it if it already is in .htm format).
129Alt + Ctrl + F1MicrosoftSystemInfoExecute the Microsoft System Info application
130F2MoveTextMoves the selection to a specified location without using the clipboard (press Return to execute the more)
131TabNextCellMoves to the next table cell
132F11NextFieldMoves to the next field
133Alt + F7NextMisspellingFind next spelling error
134Alt + down arrowNextObjectMoves to the next object on the page
135Ctrl + F6NextWindowSwitches to the next document window, equivalent to selecting a document from the Window menu.
136Ctrl+Shift+NNormalStyleApplies the Normal style
137Ctrl + 0OpenOrCloseUpParaSets or removes extra spacing above the selected paragraph
138F6OtherPaneSwitches to another window pane in Normal View (for instance, if you have if you have a Footnotes pane open in Normal view and want to switch to the main document and back without closing the pane).
139Alt + _OutlineCollapseCollapses an Outline in Outline View by one level
140Alt+Shift+rt arrowOutlineDemoteDemotes the selected paragraphs one heading level
141Alt + +OutlineExpandExpands an Outline in Outline View by one level
142Alt+Shift+down arrowOutlineMoveDownMoves the selection below the next item in the outline
143Alt+Shift+up arrowOutlineMoveUpMoves the selection above the previous item in the outline
144Alt+Shift+left arrowOutlinePromotePromotes the selected paragraphs one heading level
145Alt + Shift + LOutlineShowFirstLineToggles between showing the first line of each paragraph only or showing all of the body text in the outline
146InsOvertypeToggles the typing mode between replacing and inserting
147PgDnPageDownMoves the insertion point and document display to the next screen of text
148Shift+ PgDnPageDownExtendExtends the selection and changes the document display to the next screen of text
149PgUpPageUpMoves the insertion point and document display to the previous screen of text
150Shift + PgUpPageUpExtendExtends the selection and changes the document display to the previous screen of text
151Ctrl + down arrowParaDownMoves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
152Shift + Ctrl + down arrowParaDownExtendExtends the selection to the beginning of the next paragraph
153Ctrl + up arrowParaUpMoves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
154Shift + Ctrl + up arrowParaUpExtendExtends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph
155Ctrl+Shift+VPasteFormatApplies the previously copied formatting to selection
156Shift + TabPrevCellMoves to the previous table cell
157Shift + F11PrevFieldMoves to the previous field
158Alt + up arrowPrevObjectMoves to the previous object on the page
159Ctrl + Shift + F6PrevWindowSwitches back to the previous document window
160Sfift+F4RepeatFindRepeats Go To or Find to find the next occurrence
161Ctrl+SpacebarResetCharMakes the selection the default character format of the applied style
162Ctrl+QResetParaMakes the selection the default paragraph format of the applied style
163Ctrl +RRightParaAligns the paragraph at the right indent
164Ctrl + *ShowAllShows/hides all nonprinting characters
165Alt + Shift + AShowAllHeadingsDisplays all of the heading levels and the body text in Outline View
166Ctrl + <ShrinkFontDecreases the font size of the selection
167Ctrl + [ShrinkFontOnePointDecreases the font size of the selection by one point
168Ctrl + Shift + KSmallCapsMakes the selection small capitals (toggle)
169Ctrl + 1SpacePara1Sets the line spacing to single space
170Ctrl + 5SpacePara15Sets the line spacing to one-and-one-half space
171Ctrl + 2SpacePara2Sets the line spacing to double space
172Ctrl + F3SpikeDeletes the selection and adds it to the "Spike" AutoText entry (which allows you to move text and graphics from nonadjacent locations)
173Alt + PgUpStartOfColumnMoves to the first cell in the current column
174Ctrl+Shift+HomeStartOfDocExtendExtends the selection to the beginning of the first line of the document
175Ctrl +HomeStartOfDocumentMoves the insertion point to the beginning of the first line of the document
176HomeStartOfLineMoves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line
177Shift+HomeStartOfLineExtendExtends the selection to the beginning of the current line
178Alt+HomeStartOfRowMoves to the first cell in the current row
179Alt+Ctrl+PgUpStartOfWindowMoves the insertion point to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen
180Shift+ Alt+Ctrl+PgUpStartOfWindowExtendExtends the selection to the beginning of the first visible line on the screen
181Strl + Shift + SStyleActivates the Style drop-down on the Formatting toolbar
182Ctrl + =SubscriptMakes the selection subscript (toggle)
183Ctrl + +SuperscriptMakes the selection superscript (toggle)
184Ctrl + Shift + QSymbolFontApplies the Symbol font to the selection
185Alt A, FTableAutoFormatApplies a set of formatting to a table
186Alt A, HTableHeadingsToggles table headings attribute on and off
187Alt + click (Alt + drag to select several)TableSelectColumnSelects the current column in a table
188Click in left marginTableSelectRowSelects the current row in a table
189Alt + double-clickTableSelectTableSelects an entire table
190Alt + Ctrl + UTableUpdateAutoFormatUpdates the table formatting to match the applied Table Autoformat settings
191Shift + F9 (Alt + F9 toggles all field codes on or off)ToggleFieldDisplayShows the field codes or the results for the selection (toggle)
192Alt T, CToolsCustomizeAllows you to customizes the Word user interface (menus, keyboard and toolbars) and store the customizations in a template (defaults to Normal.dot, so be careful!)
193Alt + F8ToolsMacroRuns, creates, deletes, or revises a macro
194F7ToolsProofingChecks the spelling and grammar in the active document
195Ctr.l + Shift + EToolsRevisionMarksToggleToggles track changes for the active document
196Shift + F7ToolsThesaurusFinds a synonym for the selected word
197Ctrl+UUnderlineFormats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)
198Ctrl + Shift + T (or drag the ruler)UnHangDecreases the hanging indent
199Ctrl + Shift + M (or drag the ruler)UnIndentMoves the left indent to the previous tab stop
200Ctrl+Shift+F9UnlinkFieldsPermanently replaces the field codes with the results
201Ctrl + Shift + F11UnlockFieldsUnlocks the selected fields for updating
202F9UpdateFieldsUpdates and displays the results of the selected fields
203Ctrl + Shiift + F7UpdateSourceCopies the modified text of a linked file back to its source file
204Hover over commentViewAnnotationsShow or hide the comment pane
205Dbl-click the endnote referenceViewEndnoteAreaIf in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the endnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the endnote or vice versa
206At + F9ViewFieldCodesShows the field codes or results for all fields (toggle)
207Dbl-click the footnote referenceViewFootnoteAreaIf in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the footnote (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnote or vice versa.
208Alt V, FViewFootnotesIf in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing footnotes and endnotes (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the footnotes/endnotes or vice versa.
209Alt V, HViewHeaderDisplays header in page layout view
210Alt V, N (or Alt + Ctlr + N)ViewNormalChanges the editing view to normal view
211Alt V, O (or Alt + Ctrl + O)ViewOutlineDisplays a document's outline
212Alt V, P (or Alt + Ctlr + P)ViewPageDisplays the page more-or-less as it will be printed, and allows editing (In Word 2000 the menu item is called Print Layout, but fortunately the command hasn't changed.
213Alt + F11ViewVBCodeShows the VB editing environment (Tools + Macro + Visual Basic Editor)
214Alt + left arrowWebGoBackBackward hyperlink (useful if you clicked on a page number hyperlink in the table of contents and then want to return to the TOC)
215Alt + rt arrowWebGoForwardForward hyperlink
216Alt W, AWindowArrangeAllArranges windows as non-overlapping tiles
217Ctrl + left arrowWordLeftMoves the insertion point to the left one word
218Shift + Ctrl + left arrowWordLeftExtendExtends the selection to the left one word
219Ctrl + rt arrowWordRightMoves the insertion point to the right one word
220Shift + Ctrl + rt arrowWordRightExtendExtends the selection to the right one word
221Ctrl + Shift + WWordUnderlineUnderlines the words but not the spaces in the selection (toggle)

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