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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Sample HR Interview Questions part-3

33. Do you have any IT (Information Technology) qualifications?
Answer 1: Yes, I took a computer applications module for two semesters in college. It's helped give me a better knowledge of how computers, operating systems and a wide range of software packages work. I've been able to apply this knowledge when tackling problems.
Answer 2: I haven't had the opportunity to take any formal IT training yet. However, I've used computers extensively at every job I've had and I'm very much at home using a word processor, spreadsheet, database and project management software. I have a computer at home too which I use to track my family's finances and to access the Internet. I'm very comfortable using computers.
34. Would you object to attending training seminars in your own time?
Answer: Not at all. I'm looking for a company with an active training program, and I'm always willing to attain new skills. Other company's I've interviewed with host training within the working day. Is it XYZ Corp company policy to always hold training outside of working hours?
35. Why did you select your college or university?
Answer: I was glad to be accepted at my number one choice college. I spent quite a lot of time researching colleges with biochemistry faculties. It became obvious that this college commanded a tremendous reputation for its pioneering work and is one of the best in its field in the country.
36. What are your strengths? How do they help you?
Answer: I’m well motivated, I've got a strong desire to succeed, and I'm always ready and willing to learn new information and skills.
37. What are your weaknesses? How do you overcome them?
Answer: I’m always ready to learn new skills and adapt my methods to become better at what I do. If I become aware of a weakness in my knowledge base or in the way I perform my duties, I do my best to fill that gap whether through formal training, informal training, or directly from my colleagues.
38. What makes you think you're qualified for this job?
Answer: I studied for a diploma in computers which I enjoyed immensely. In my last job I was able to apply knowledge I'd gained on the course to do my job better. I streamlined many of the department's manual tasks by moving them from paper to a computer-based solution. I've also got an advanced sailing certificate. This has helped me build many team-working skills. When I worked at XYZ Corp I voluntarily attended a series of in-house personal development training programs.
39. Tell me about yourself.
Answer: I’m an ambitious, self-motivated account executive and I'm very happy in my life right now. I'm looking to change jobs because I feel I've achieved all of the goals I set out for myself when I embarked in my previous role, six years ago. I've still got a strong appetite for success and I'm looking for a job that will provide fresh challenges and rewards.
40. Do you like to work as part of a team or alone. Why?
Answer: I work very well when I'm part of a team, I value the ability to bounce ideas off other people and also provide my input, whenever it's wanted. Of course I'm more than capable of working alone whenever I'm required to do so too.
41. What motivates you?
Answer: A little appreciation for a successfully completed work. If failed in that task, I am motivated to do it better than ever. If completed successfully, the success motivates me to go in for a tougher project/work which is a new challenge for me. As it is, winning challenges is the spirit in me.
42. How do you handle stress?
Answer: I’m not the type of person that becomes stressed very easily. However, if in an extreme circumstance I did start to become stressed, I would look to the cause of it and attempt to identify a solution. I would certainly not be afraid to look to others for their input and assistance. In a working environment I think stress comes around from pressurized situations. In such cases the best solution is often one of situation management until the crisis abates.
43. I'm worried about your lack of _____ experience.
Answer: I don't feel you've anything to worry about. While I've only been a designated team leader for one year, I've spent eighteen months as the most experienced member of the team and in many situations I effectively led the team. I very much enjoy team management and am confident in my own abilities.
44. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Answer: I enjoy participating in and watching most sports. I discovered golf at college and find it a great way to relax and spend time with friends. I also enjoy playing football and tennis. I was captain of the school swimming team and I try to keep that up as best I can too. I also enjoy listening to music, watching movies, and being around my friends.
45. You've been in the same firm for a number of years. How do you think you'll adjust to a new one?
Answer: Sample Answer(s) I'm looking forward to the challenge. Even in this day and age there is a lot of value in staying in the one company for a prolonged period of time. In my current role I have had an opportunity to work with many people throughout the company and build great workingand personal relationships. In addition, I had enough time in each area I worked to make a real and lasting difference.
Also, I'd also like to think the firm's decision to retain my services for so long is indicative of the esteem in which I'm held. However, it's now time for me to move on so I can take the skills I've attained at ABC Corp and apply them in a new environment.
46. How often do you miss deadlines?
Answer: As infrequently as possible. In the reality it may be impossible to achieve every single deadline, however in my experience good planning and project management can alleviate late deliveries.
47. Why should we hire you?
Answer: I believe that I've got the skills and enthusiasm required to fulfill the role that's available. I think I'd be a valuable asset to the firm and, from my experience, I'm sure I'd make a positive contribution to the company's ambitions.
48. How do you measure 'success'?
Answer: I measures my own personal success by how well I've achieved the goals I set myself. I feel I've been successful to date - I attended my college of choice, I graduated with a degree, and I've spent three successful years at XYZ Bros. The key in being successful is to set challenging yet attainable goals, while always remaining focused on what you hope to achieve. My current goal is to succeed at this interview.
49. In what kind of work environment are you most productive?
Answer: Tailor your answer to the job. For example, if in doing your job you're required to lock the lab doors and work alone, then indicate that you enjoy being a team player when needed, but also enjoy working independently. If you're required to attend regular project planning and status meetings, then indicate that you're a strong team player and like being part of a team.
50. How do you handle pressure?
Answer: This is sort of a double whammy, because you're likely already stressed from the interview and the interviewer can see if you're handling it well or not. Everybody feels stress, but the degree varies. Saying that you whine to your shrink, kick your dog or slam down a fifth of Jack Daniels are not good answers. Exercising, relaxing with a good book, socializing with friends or turning stress into productive energy are more along the lines of the "correct" answers
51. How do you plan to achieve those goals?
Answer: I plan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and continuing my involvement with a variety of professional associations.
I noticed that XYZ Company (the company you are interviewing with) provides in-house training for employees and I would certainly be interested in taking classes that would be relevant.
I will continue my professional development my participating in conferences, attending seminars, and continuing my education.

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