1. Whether the company should have a performance appraisal system?
a. Yes
b. No
2. Are you satisfied with current performance appraisal system?
a. Satisfied
b. Dissatisfied
c. Can not
3. According to you who should appraise employee performance?
a. Supervisor
b. Subordinates
c. Others
4. What is the main benefit of performance appraisal system?
a. Growth
b. Rewards
c. Motivation
d. Mistakes are corrected
5. Whether you need training in performance appraisal system?
a. Yes
b. No
6. Do you feel that promotions are given based on performance?
a. Yes
b. No
7. How do you feel about present job?
a. My job is like a hobby to me.
b. My job is interesting to me
c. I am satisfied with my present job.
8. How often appraisal should be conducted in practice?
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 12 months
9. Do you feel that performance appraisal system be kept confidential?
a. Yes
b. No
10. What do you think the word “SUCCESSFUL” means? Who is a successful person?
a. Who made lot of money?
b. Who has achieved his own goal.
c. Who is happy and content
11. How do you feel your appraisal interview to be?
a. In written
b. Face to face conversation.
12. What do you think you need while working?
a. Require close supervisor
b. Prefer to work alone
13. How do you prefer to handle job?
a. One job at a time
b. All jobs at a time.
14. According to you, what is the purpose of performance appraisal?
a. To improve organizational effectiveness.
b. To improve personal effectiveness.
c. Recommended for training and development needs.
d. Helps in pay adjustments/rewards.
15. What is the objective of performance appraisal system?
a. To identify training needs.
b. To effect job rotation.
c. To determine promotional opportunity.
d. To evolve reward and punishment system.
16. Has your performance been enriched by any training you have undergone in your field of working?
a. Yes
b. No
17. Can you state to which category your performance falls?
a. Excellent
b. Above average
c. Average
d. Fair
18. Will the high performer’s performance be motivated further if he/she is intimated regarding their performance?
a. Yes
b. No
19. How do you appreciate the current appraisal system?
a. Opportunities to perform better
b. Task setting will induce people in better way
c. It provides a clear communication of employee’s expectation.
d. It increases job satisfaction.
20. Do you think the performance appraisal should undergo change as a matter of policy from time to time?
a. Yes
b. No
21. Do you think the performance appraisal system is a waste of time for the organization, appraiser and appraise?
a. Yes
b. No
22. Does your boss provide you advice and assistance regarding your work?
a. Yes
b. No
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